Doggo Sports Text Logo
About Us
Doggo is the leading online platform for agility sports lovers nationwide. Our goal is to become the all-in-one resource for anyone involved in an agility trial. Doggo will save you countless hours pawing with entry forms, handling payments, and keeping trial details organized. Manage it all in one place with a few clicks.
Our Mission
By creating a world where dogs, exhibitors, and secretaries have the freedom to enjoy agility trials with modern solutions, we hope to expand the community of dogs and humans enjoying each other's companionship through sport. We want to make creating, signing up for, and participating in a trial as easy as possible for all parties involved, so that the humans can spend less time working and more time playing with their dogs!
Who We Are
Doggo is supported by a small group of folks who love everything about dog agility and want to make the sport more enjoyable for everyone.
We have Secretaries on our team who are inventing ways to make hosting trials easier. We also have Exhibitors on our team who are envisioning a new future for participating in trials that is more convenient, social, and memorable.
Our team has decades of experience running with our dogs, and we hope you join us for many more to come!
What We Do
Today, Doggo is a platform for exhibitors to log their dog's run history and earned AKC titles in an easy-to-use app - no more chasing around paper trails!
But we're dreaming even bigger than that - we envision a world where the dog sports community has all the online tools it needs, all in one place. Our goal is to streamline your agility trial experience from start to finish.
For secretaries, we will provide tools to create a trial, collect entries, handle payments, communicate details to exhibitors, generate running orders, assign judges, record scores ringside, submit results, and more.
For exhibitors, we'll simplify your trial experience with online registration, mobile check-in on trial day, notifications when it's your turn to run, an online journal to record run scores and earned titles, and the ability to share your dog's results to Facebook when the day is done.
We want to make your trial experience smoother so you can focus on what matters - having fun with your dog and friends!